The characteristics of manufacturing industries in tropical african countries are :
*concentrated in towns
*Mainly import substituting
*depend on imported machinery/technology
*production of consumer goods
*some raw materials are imported

The problem of manufacturing industries in tropical African countries are:

*inadequate capital
*poor management
*high taxation
*labour unrest 
*poor quality industrial labour

The three factors that have contributed to d high population density in Japan are:

* Aging population: Due to the reduction in birth rate and death rate in Japan, the population density  in Japan has increased

* Lifestyle: The  lifestyle amongst Japanese has contributed greatly to the high population density in Japan

* Economy: Due to the high population density in Japan , the economy of Japan is strain because government struggle to provide pensions.


The three characteristics of subsistence agriculture in Nigeria are:

*Land use: Subsistence agriculture tend to be very small because d goods produced is use mainly for consumption in the  family. 

* Productivity and Inefficiency: Subsistence agriculture is characterized by low input which is mostly provided by d farmer himself e.g seeds, cow dung manure are not purchased by d farmers. Yield per hectare and overall productivity tend to be low

* Huge wastages of resources:  In Subsistence agriculture in Nigeria, there are much wastage of resources and production due to d use of unscientific method of production, lack of transport, and shortage of storage facility.

The four advantages of subsistence agriculture are:

*Little or low capital is required to carry out subsistence agriculture

* Provision of basic needs of the family like food and clothing

* Small plot of land can be used to cultivate such as the backyard garden

* It is less stressful

The three disadvantages of subsistence agriculture are:

* Pest and diseases are properly managed

* Crude tools are used such as cutlass, hoe and rake

* No surplus for sale to earn income. All produce are consumed by the family

The three disadvantages of subsistence agriculture are:

* Pest and diseases are not properly managed

* Crude tools are used such as cutlass, hoe and rake

* No surplus for sale to earn income. All produce are consumed by the family

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